
upsamp — Modifie un signal par sur-échantillonnage.


Modifie un signal par sur-échantillonnage.


ares upsamp ksig


upsamp convertit un signal de contrôle en signal audio. Cela est réalisé par simple répétition de la kval. upsamp est une forme légèrement plus efficace de l'affectation asig = ksig.


Voici un exemple de l'opcode upsamp. Il utilise le fichier upsamp.csd.

Exemple 1137. Exemple de l'opcode upsamp.

; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
-odac     ;;;realtime audio out
;-iadc    ;;;uncomment -iadc if RT audio input is needed too
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o upsamp.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform
;;with code from Steven Cook / David Akbari, Menno Knevel and Joachim Heintz

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1

seed      0

  opcode Decimator, a, akk	;UDO Sample rate / Bit depth reducer
         setksmps   1
ain, kbit, ksrate xin

kbits    =        2^kbit                ;bit depth (1 to 16)
kfold    =        (sr/ksrate)           ;sample rate
kin      downsamp ain                   ;convert to kr
kin      =        (kin+0dbfs)           ;add DC to avoid (-)
kin      =        kin*(kbits/(0dbfs*2)) ;scale signal level
kin      =        int(kin)              ;quantise
aout     upsamp   kin                   ;convert to sr
aout     =        aout*(2/kbits)-0dbfs  ;rescale and remove DC
a0ut     fold     aout, kfold           ;resample
         xout     a0ut
instr 1	;avoid playing this too loud

kbit     =        p4
ksr      =        44100
asig     diskin   "fox.wav", 1
aout     Decimator asig, kbit, ksr
         printks  "bitrate = %d, ", 3, kbit
         printks  "with samplerate = %d\\n", 3, ksr
         outs     aout*.7, aout*.7

instr 2	;moving randomly between different bit values (1 - 6)

kbit     randomi  1, 6, .5, 1
asig     diskin   "fox.wav", 1, 0, 1 ;loop play
aout     Decimator asig, kbit, 44100
         printks  "bitrate = %f\n", .3, kbit
         outs     aout*.7, aout*.7


i 1 0	3 16		;sounds allright but
i 1 +	3 5		;it's getting worse
i 1 +	3 2		;and worse...
i 2 9  22		;or quality moves randomly

Voir aussi

diff, downsamp, integ, interp, samphold