
JackoTransport — Control the Jack transport.


Plugin opcode in jacko. This opcode is part of the plugin repository and has to be installed separately. The plugin repository can be found here: https://github.com/csound/plugins

Starts, stops, or repositions the Jack transport. This is useful, e.g., for starting an external sequencer playing to send MIDI messages to Csound.


JackoTransport  kcommand, [kposition]


kcommand -- 0 means "no action", 1 starts the transport, 2 stops the transport, and 3 positions the transport to kposition seconds from the beginning of performance (i.e. time 0 in the score).

kposition -- Time to position to the transport, in seconds from the beginning of performance (i.e. time 0 in the score).

This opcode can be used at init time or during performance.

The granularity of timing is Csound's kperiod.


Here is an example of the JackoTransport opcode. It uses the file jacko.csd.

See Also

JackoInfo, JackoInfo, JackoFreewheel, JackoAudioOutConnect, JackoMidiInConnect, JackoMidiOutConnect, JackoOn, JackoAudioIn, JackoMidiOut, JackoNoteOut.


By: Michael Gogins 2010