Allows a user to determine the frequency envelope of any ATSbufread.
kfreq - a frequency value (given in Hertz) used by ATSinterpread as in index into the table produced by an ATSbufread.
ATSinterpread takes a frequency value (kfreq in Hz). This frequency is used to index the data of an ATSbufread. The return value is an amplitude gained from the ATSbufread after interpolation. ATSinterpread allows a user to determine the frequency envelope of any ATSbufread. This data could be useful for an number of reasons, one might be performing cross synthesis of data from an ATS file and non ATS data.
Here is an example of the ATSinterpread opcode. It uses the file ATSinterpread.csd.
This example shows how to use ATSinterpread. Here a frequency is given by the score (p5) and this frequency is given to an ATSinterpread (with a corresponding ATSbufread). The ATSinterpread uses this frequency to output a corresponding amplitude value, based on the atsfile given by the ATSbufread (beats.ats in this case). We then use that amplitude to scale a sine-wave that is synthesized with the same frequency (p5). You could extend this to include multiple sine-waves. This way you could synthesize any reasonable frequency (within the low and high frequencies of the indicated ATS file), and maintain the shape (in frequency) of the indicated atsfile (given by the ATSbufread).
See also
Author: Alex Norman