Returns a frequency, amplitude pair from an ATSbufread opcode.
kfrq, kamp ATSpartialtap ipartialnum
ipartialnum - indicates the partial that the ATSpartialtap opcode should read from an ATSbufread.
kfrq - returns the frequency value for the requested partial.
kamp - returns the amplitude value for the requested partial.
ATSpartialtap takes a partial number and returns a frequency, amplitude pair. The frequency and amplitude data comes from an ATSbufread opcode. This is more restricted version of ATSread, since each ATSread opcode has its own independent time pointer, and ATSpartialtap is restricted to the data given by an ATSbufread. Its simplicity is its attractive feature.
Here is an example of the ATSpartialtap opcode. It uses the file ATSpartialtap.csd.
Example of the ATSpartialtap opcode. |
| <CsoundSynthesizer>
; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
-odac ;;;RT audio out
;-iadc ;;;uncomment -iadc for RT audio input is needed too
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o ATSpartialtap.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform
sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1
; by Menno Knevel - 2023
ires1 system_i 1,{{ atsa drumsMlp.wav drumsMlp1.ats }} ; default settings
ires2 system_i 1,{{ atsa -h.8 -c8 drumsMlp.wav drumsMlp2.ats }} ; longer hopsize & more cycles
instr 1
ktime line 0, p3, 2
ATSbufread ktime, 1, p4 , 54
kfreq1, kam1 ATSpartialtap 5
kfreq2, kam2 ATSpartialtap 20
kfreq3, kam3 ATSpartialtap 30
aout1 oscil kam1, kfreq1, 1
aout2 oscil kam2, kfreq2, 1
aout3 oscil kam3, kfreq3, 1
aout = (aout1+aout2+aout3)*10 ; amplify some more
outs aout * p5, aout * p5
f 1 0 16384 10 1 0 .5 0 .33 ; square-ish wave
; stretch the drums...
i 1 0 2 "drumsMlp1.ats" 2.5 ; defaults settings for ATSA
i 1 3 10 "drumsMlp2.ats" 1 ; different settings
This example here uses an ATSpartialtap, and an ATSbufread to read partials 5, 20 and 30 from 'beats.ats'. These amplitudes and frequencies could be used to re-synthesize those partials, or something all together different.
See also
ATS Spectral Processing
Author: Alex Norman