Sends data to other listening processes using the OSC protocol
ihost -- a string that is the intended host computer domain name. An empty string is interpreted as the current computer.
iport -- the number of the port that is used for the communication.
idestination -- a string that is the destination address. This takes the form of a file name with directories. Csound just passes this string to the raw sending code and makes no interpretation.
itype -- a string that indicates the types of the optional arguments that are read at k-rate. The string can contain the characters "abcdfilmstAG" which stand for audio, Boolean, character, double, float, 32-bit integer, 64-bit integer, MIDI, string, timestamp, k-rate array and ftable. The OSC message may not have any types, in which case, it will consist only of the destination address.
kwhen -- a message is sent whenever this value changes. A message will always be sent on the first call.
The data is taken from the k-values or a-value that follow the format string. In a similar way to a printf format, the characters in order determine how the argument is interpreted. Note that a time stamp takes two arguments.
The example shows a simple instrument, which when called, sends a group of 3 messages to a computer called "xenakis", on port 7770, to be read by a process that recognises /foo/bar as its address.
Here is a complete example of the OSCsend opcode. It uses the file OSCsend.csd.
See also
More information on this opcode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX1C3TqP_9Y, made by Andrés Cabrera
Author: John ffitch
Data types a, A and G were added in 6.07; they send data via blobs and are only really useful to other Csound instances or custom listeners.