Arduino-Joystick2Csound1g-fm1-port (version with smoothing)
- Push Joystick button to turn on note
- Use JoystickX to offset and control the modulation index of
the foscil opcode from 0-40 via the scale opcode
- Use JoystickY to offset and control the Frequency of the foscil
opcode up/down two octaves via the scale opcode
sr = 44100
ksmps = 441
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1
giport init 0
// NOTE: change USB port "/dev/cu.usbmodem1414301" to correspond
// with USB port used by Arduino on your system
giport arduinoStart "//dev/ttyACM0", 9600 // for GNULinux
instr 1
kY arduinoRead giport, 1 ; Joystick Y
kX arduinoRead giport, 2 ; Joystick X
kSW arduinoRead giport, 3 ; Joystick Button/Switch
kAmp init 0
kFreq init 0
kIndx init 1
kXraw = kX
kX port kXraw, .02 // smoothed kY stream
kYraw = kY
kY port kYraw, .02 // smoothed kY stream
kYscaled scale kY, 400, 100, 1023, 0 ; scaling the raw sensor
; data to a user-defined
; range of (100-400)
kXscaled scale kX, 40, 0, 1023, 0 ; scaling the raw sensor
; data to a user-defined
; range of (0-40)
if(kSW == 1) then
kAmp = .333
elseif(kSW == 0) then
kAmp = 0
aOut foscil 1, kFreq + kYscaled, 1, 1, kIndx + kXscaled, 1
outs aOut * kAmp, aOut * kAmp
printks "Button=%d, RawX=%d, ScaleX=%d, RawY=%d, ScaleY=%d \\n", \
.5, kSW, kX, kXscaled, kY, kYscaled
f 1 0 16384 10 1
i 1 0 z
// Joystick Example
// John ffitch & Richard Boulanger
// June 11, 2020
// BreadBoard & Arduino Setup
// Insert the Joystick Controller into the breadboard
// NOTE: Joystick Pins (in order from left to right) are:
GND, 5V, vrX, vrY, SW
// Connect the power rails on breadboard to 5V and GND on Arduino
// Connect GND and 5V from Joystick to + and - power rails on
// the breadboard
// Connect Joystick vrX on breadboard to Analog In A0 on the Arduino
// Connect Joystick vrY on breadboard to Analog In A1 on the Arduino
// Connect Joystick SW on breadboard to Digital Pin 2 on Arduino
// Arduino pin numbers
// Note: Because of the way that the Joystick stands up in a
// breadboard, in this example the vrX and vrY have been swapped.
const int SW_pin = 2; // Joystick switch output connected to
// Arduino digital pin 2
const int Y_pin = 0; // Joystick Y output connected to Arduino
// analog pin A0
const int X_pin = 1; // Joystick X output connected to Arduino
// analog pin A1
int lastState_SW_pin = 1;
int currentState_SW_pin;
void setup() {
// NOTE: Digital pins can be either inputs or outputs.
pinMode(SW_pin, INPUT_PULLUP); // Setting digital pin to input mode
// and using onboard pullup resistor
// to reduce noise.
// put_val( ) - a function to send data values to the Csound
// "arduinoRead" opcode
// The first argument of the put_val function "int senChan" sets
// the software channel number that Csound reads
// NOTE: "senChan" does "not" define the input pin that is used on
// the Arduino for a specific sensor
// The specific Arduino input pin used by any sensor is assigned
// and set elsewhere in the Arduino sketch and mapped to a
// user-defined put_val "senChan" channel
void put_val(int senChan, int senVal)
// Set the Csound receive channel "senChan", and read from
// the sensor data stream "senVal"
{ // The packing of the data is sssssvvv 0vvvvvvv where s is a
// senChan bit, v a senVal bit and 0 is zero` bit
int low = senVal&0x7f;
int hi = ((senVal>>7)&0x07) | ((senChan&0x1f)<<3);
Serial.write(low); Serial.write(hi);
void loop() {
int currentState_SW_pin = digitalRead(SW_pin); // reading digital
// input 2 and
// assigning it to
// "currentState..."
if (currentState_SW_pin != lastState_SW_pin)
{ // checking if the value has changed
if (currentState_SW_pin == 1)
put_val(3,0); // In this sketch, the Joystick button,
//in Arduino digital pin 2, is sending a 0 or 1
// to Csound arduinoRead channel 3
lastState_SW_pin = currentState_SW_pin;
int X = analogRead(X_pin); // reading the Joystick vrX data
// (0-1023) and asigning to X
put_val(2,X); // In this sketch, the Joystick vrX,
// in Arduino analog pin A1, is sending
// a 0-1023 to Csound arduinoRead channel 2
int Y = analogRead(Y_pin); // reading the Joystick vrY data
// (0-1023) and asigning to Y
put_val(1,Y); // In this sketch, the Joystick vrY,
// in Arduino analog pin A0, is sending
// a 0-1023 to Csound arduinoRead channel 1