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Safely divides two numbers.


ares divz xa, xb, ksubst
ires divz ia, ib, isubst
kres divz ka, kb, ksubst
 ... divz(ka, kb, ksubst)... (no rate restriction)


Whenever b is not zero, set the result to the value a / b; when b is zero, set it to the value of subst instead.


Here is an example of the divz opcode. It uses the file divz.csd.

Example of the divz opcode.
; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
; Audio out   Audio in
-n   ; no sound
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o divz.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1

instr 1

ka init 200                                         ; Define the numbers to be divided.
kb line 0, p3, 200                                  ; Linearly change the value of kb from 200 to 0.
ksubst init -1                                      ; If a "divide by zero" error occurs, substitute -1.
kresults divz ka, kb, ksubst                        ; Safely divide the numbers.
printks "%f / %f = %f\\n", 0.1, ka, kb, kresults    ; Print out the results.


i 1 0 .3

Its output should include lines like:

200.000000 / 0.000000 = -1.000000
200.000000 / 66.757370 = 2.995924
200.000000 / 133.514739 = 1.497962

See also

Opcode Equivalents of Functions


Author: John ffitch after an idea by Barry L. Vercoe

Example written by Kevin Conder.

Functional form available in csound Version 6.00