Safely divides two numbers.
ares divz xa, xb, ksubst
ires divz ia, ib, isubst
kres divz ka, kb, ksubst
... divz(ka, kb, ksubst)... (no rate restriction)
Whenever b is not zero, set the result to the value a / b; when b is zero, set it to the value of subst instead.
Here is an example of the divz opcode. It uses the file divz.csd.
Its output should include lines like:
200.000000 / 0.000000 = -1.000000
200.000000 / 66.757370 = 2.995924
200.000000 / 133.514739 = 1.497962
See also
Opcode Equivalents of Functions
Author: John ffitch after an idea by Barry L. Vercoe
Example written by Kevin Conder.
Functional form available in csound Version 6.00