Marks the end of an user-defined opcode block.
The syntax of a user-defined opcode block is as follows:
opcode name, outtypes, intypes
xinarg1 [, xinarg2] [, xinarg3] ... [xinargN] xin
[setksmps iksmps]
... the rest of the instrument's code.
xout xoutarg1 [, xoutarg2] [, xoutarg3] ... [xoutargN]
The new opcode can then be used with the usual syntax:
[xinarg1] [, xinarg2] ... [xinargN] name [xoutarg1] [, xoutarg2] ... \
[xoutargN] [, iksmps]
Here is an example of the endop opcode. It uses the file endop.csd.
Example of the endop opcode. |
| <CsoundSynthesizer>
; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
-odac ;;;realtime audio out
;-iadc ;;;uncomment -iadc if realtime audio input is needed too
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o endop.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform
sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1
/* example opcode 1: simple oscillator */
opcode Oscillator, a, kk
kamp, kcps xin ; read input parameters
a1 vco2 kamp, kcps ; sawtooth oscillator
xout a1 ; write output
/* example opcode 2: lowpass filter with local ksmps */
opcode Lowpass, a, akk
setksmps 1 ; need sr=kr
ain, ka1, ka2 xin ; read input parameters
aout init 0 ; initialize output
aout = ain*ka1 + aout*ka2 ; simple tone-like filter
xout aout ; write output
/* example opcode 3: recursive call */
opcode RecursiveLowpass, a, akkpp
ain, ka1, ka2, idep, icnt xin ; read input parameters
if (icnt >= idep) goto skip1 ; check if max depth reached
ain RecursiveLowpass ain, ka1, ka2, idep, icnt + 1
aout Lowpass ain, ka1, ka2 ; call filter
xout aout ; write output
/* example opcode 4: de-click envelope */
opcode DeClick, a, a
ain xin
aenv linseg 0, 0.02, 1, p3 - 0.05, 1, 0.02, 0, 0.01, 0
xout ain * aenv ; apply envelope and write output
/* instr 1 uses the example opcodes */
instr 1
kamp = .6 ; amplitude
kcps expon 50, p3, 500 ; pitch
a1 Oscillator kamp, kcps ; call oscillator
kflt linseg 0.4, 1.5, 0.4, 1, 0.8, 1.5, 0.8 ; filter envelope
a1 RecursiveLowpass a1, kflt, 1 - kflt, 10 ; 10th order lowpass
a1 DeClick a1
outs a1, a1
i 1 0 4
See Also
User Defined Opcodes (UDO)
More information on this opcode: http://www.csoundjournal.com/2006summer/controlFlow_part2.html , written by Steven Yi
The user-defined opcode page: http://www.csounds.com/udo/ , maintained by Steven Yi
Author: Istvan Varga, 2002; based on code by Matt J. Ingalls
New in version 4.22