Complex-to-complex Fast Fourier Transform.
Applies a forward Fast Fourier Transform to a complex-valued input 1-dimensional array producing a complex-valued output. The output is another array containing the complex-valued signal, and both arrays are arranged in interleaved real-imaginary format. The output array will have the same size as the input, and the transform size will be equivalent to half of the length of the array. Non-power-of-two transforms are limited to even sizes with not too many factors.
kout[] -- output array containing the complex-valued output. It will be created if it does not exist.
kin[] -- input array containing the complex-valued input.
Here is an example of the fft opcode. It uses the file fft.csd.
See Also
Author: Victor Lazzarini
NUI Maynooth
New in version 6.04