Set interpolation method for channel in Fluid Engine.
Plugin opcode in fluidOpcodes. This opcode is part of the plugin repository and has to be installed separately. The plugin repository can be found here: https://github.com/csound/plugins
Lower order interpolation methods will render faster at lower fidelity while higher order interpolation methods will render slower at higher fidelity. Default interpolation for a channel is 4th order interpolation.
ienginenum -- engine number assigned from fluidEngine
ichannelnum -- which channel number to use for the preset in the given fluidEngine
iInterpMethod -- interpolation method, can be any of the following
- 0 -- No Interpolation
- 1 -- Linear Interpolation
- 4 -- 4th Order Interpolation (Default)
- 7 -- 7th Order Interpolation (Highest)
Here is an example of the fluidSetInterpMethod opcode. It uses the file fluidSetInterpMethod.csd and 07AcousticGuitar.sf2.
See also
More information on soundfonts is in the Floss Manuals: https://flossmanual.csound.com/midi/reading-midi-files
For other information on soundfonts look in the Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soundfont
Author: Steven Yi
New in version 5.07