; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
-odac ;;;realtime audio out
;-iadc ;;;uncomment -iadc if realtime audio input is needed too
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o inleta.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform
sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
; Connect up instruments and effects to create the signal flow graph.
connect "SimpleSine", "leftout", "Reverberator", "leftin"
connect "SimpleSine", "rightout","Reverberator", "rightin"
connect "Moogy", "leftout", "Reverberator", "leftin"
connect "Moogy", "rightout","Reverberator", "rightin"
connect "Reverberator", "leftout", "Compressor", "leftin"
connect "Reverberator", "rightout","Compressor", "rightin"
connect "Compressor", "leftout", "Soundfile", "leftin"
connect "Compressor", "rightout","Soundfile", "rightin"
; Turn on the "effect" units in the signal flow graph.
alwayson "Reverberator", 0.91, 12000
alwayson "Compressor"
alwayson "Soundfile"
; Define instruments and effects in order of signal flow.
instr SimpleSine
; Default values: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10
pset 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0.5
iattack = 0.015
idecay = 0.07
isustain = p3
irelease = 0.3
p3 = iattack + idecay + isustain + irelease
adamping linsegr 0.0, iattack, 1.0, idecay + isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
iHz = cpsmidinn(p4)
; Rescale MIDI velocity range to a musically usable range of dB.
iamplitude = ampdb(p5 / 127 * 15.0 + 60.0)
; Use ftgenonce instead of ftgen, ftgentmp, or f statement.
icosine ftgenonce 0, 0, 65537, 11, 1
aoscili oscili iamplitude, iHz, icosine
aadsr madsr iattack, idecay, 0.6, irelease
asignal = aoscili * aadsr
aleft, aright pan2 asignal, p7
; Stereo audio output to be routed in the orchestra header.
outleta "leftout", aleft
outleta "rightout", aright
instr Moogy
; Default values: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10
pset 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0.5
iattack = 0.003
isustain = p3
irelease = 0.05
p3 = iattack + isustain + irelease
adamping linsegr 0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
iHz = cpsmidinn(p4)
; Rescale MIDI velocity range to a musically usable range of dB.
iamplitude = ampdb(p5 / 127 * 20.0 + 60.0)
print iHz, iamplitude
; Use ftgenonce instead of ftgen, ftgentmp, or f statement.
isine ftgenonce 0, 0, 65537, 10, 1
asignal vco iamplitude, iHz, 1, 0.5, isine
kfco line 2000, p3, 200
krez = 0.8
asignal moogvcf asignal, kfco, krez, 100000
asignal = asignal * adamping
aleft, aright pan2 asignal, p7
; Stereo audio output to be routed in the orchestra header.
outleta "leftout", aleft
outleta "rightout", aright
instr Reverberator
; Stereo input.
aleftin inleta "leftin"
arightin inleta "rightin"
idelay = p4
icutoff = p5
aleft, aright reverbsc aleftin, arightin, idelay, icutoff
; Stereo output.
outleta "leftout", aleft
outleta "rightout", aright
instr Compressor
; Stereo input.
aleftin inleta "leftin"
arightin inleta "rightin"
kthreshold = 25000
icomp1 = 0.5
icomp2 = 0.763
irtime = 0.1
iftime = 0.1
aleftout dam aleftin, kthreshold, icomp1, icomp2, irtime, iftime
arightout dam arightin, kthreshold, icomp1, icomp2, irtime, iftime
; Stereo output.
outleta "leftout", aleftout
outleta "rightout", arightout
instr Soundfile
; Stereo input.
aleftin inleta "leftin"
arightin inleta "rightin"
outs aleftin, arightin
; It is not necessary to activate "effects" or create f-tables in the score!
; Overlapping notes create new instances of instruments with proper connections.
i "SimpleSine" 1 5 60 85
i "SimpleSine" 2 5 64 80
i "Moogy" 3 5 67 75
i "Moogy" 4 5 71 70
;1 extra second after the performance
e 1