Evaluates the size or number of dimensions of an array.
ir lenarray karray[, iwhich]
kr lenarray karray[, iwhich]
karray -- The array that is being questioned. It can be of any dimension.
iwhich -- selects which dimension to evaluate the size. If zero or negative it selects the number of dimensions. It defaults to 1, as used in a vector.
kr -- length of vector.
karray -- array to query.
If the dimension requested is larger than the actual array, or the array is not initialised the value -1 is returned.
Here is an example of the lenarray opcode. It uses the file lenarray.csd.
Example of the lenarray opcode. |
| <CsoundSynthesizer>
-n -m128 ;no sound output, reduced messages
;example by joachim heintz
sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 1
0dbfs = 1
instr 1 ;simple example
kArr[] fillarray 1, 2, 3, 4 ;fill array manually
printks "Length of kArr = %d\n\n", 0, lenarray(kArr) ;print out its length
turnoff ;only do this in the first k-cycle
instr 2 ;random array length
iNumEls random 1, 11 ;create random number between 1 and 10
kArr[] init int(iNumEls) ;create array of this length
printks "Random length of kArr = %d\n", 0, lenarray(kArr) ;print out
instr 3 ;fill random array length with random elements
iNumEls random 1, 11 ;create random number between 1 and 10
kArr[] init int(iNumEls) ;create array of this length
printks "Random length of kArr = %d\n", 0, lenarray(kArr) ;print out
kIndx = 0 ;initialize index
until kIndx == lenarray(kArr) do
kArr[kIndx] rnd31 10, 0 ;set element to random value -10...10
kIndx += 1 ;increase index
kIndx = 0 ;initialize index
until kIndx == lenarray(kArr) do
printf("kArr[%d] = %f\n", kIndx+1, kIndx, kArr[kIndx])
kIndx += 1 ;increase index
i 1 0 .1
i 2 0 .1
i 2 0 .1
i 3 0 .1
See also
Array opcodes
Author: John ffitch
Codemist Ltd
New in version 6.00
Extended to multi-dimensions in 6.04