Selects the slot to be use by further lp opcodes.
islot -- number of slot to be selected.
lpslot selects the slot to be use by further lp opcodes. This is the way to load and reference several analyses at the same time.
Here is an example of the lpslot opcode. It uses the file lpslot.csd.
Example of the lpslot opcode. |
| <CsoundSynthesizer>
; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
-odac --limiter=0.9 ;;;realtime audio out and limiter
;-iadc ;;;uncomment -iadc if realtime audio input is needed too
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o lpslot.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform
sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1
; by Menno Knevel 2021
ires1 system_i 1,{{ lpanal -a -p40 -h200 -P50 -Q5000 -v1 fox.wav fox.lpc }}
ires2 system_i 1,{{ lpanal -a -p40 -h200 -P50 -Q5000 -v1 stereoJungle.wav stereoJungle.lpc }}
instr 1 ; lpinterp works only with poles files.
isine ftgen 1, 0, 1024, 10, 1 ; sine wave
ilen1 filelen "fox.wav" ; get length of soundfiles
ilen2 filelen "stereoJungle.wav"
prints "fox.wav = %f seconds and stereoJungle.wav = %f seconds\\n",ilen1, ilen2
asrc buzz .5, 440, 20, 1
ktime line 0, p3, p3 ; from start to end for fox.wav
lpslot 0 ; Read data poles
krmsr, krmso, kerr, kcps lpread ktime,"fox.lpc"
lpslot 1 ; Read data poles
krmsr, krmso, kerr, kcps lpread ktime,"stereoJungle.lpc"
kmix line 0, p3, 1 ; mixing the 2 lpc files
lpinterp 1, 0, kmix ; move from jungle (slot 1) to fox (slot 0)
ares lpreson asrc
aout balance ares, asrc
outs aout, aout
i1 0 2.8
i1 5 6.75
i1 15 8 ; last frame freezes until note end (6.75-8 secs)
See also
Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) Resynthesis
Author: Mark Resibois
New in version 3.44