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Multiply and accumulate a-rate signals only.


ares maca asig1 , asig2 [, asig3] [, asig4] [, asig5] [...]


asig1, asig2, ... -- a-rate input signals

maca multiplies and accumulates a-rate signals only. It is equivalent to:

ares = asig1*asig2 + asig3*asig4 + asig5*asig6 + ...


Here is an example of the maca opcode. It uses the file maca.csd. It is written for *NIX systems, and will generate errors on Windows.

Example of the maca opcode.
; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
-odac     ;;;realtime audio out
;-iadc    ;;;uncomment -iadc if real audio input is needed too
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o mac.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1

instr 1 ;4 band equalizer

klow =  p4      ;low gain1
aenv1   oscil   0.2, 1, 4
aenv1 = aenv1 + klow
klmid = p5      ;low gain2      
aenv2   oscil   0.21, 1.1, 4
aenv2 = aenv2 + klmid
kmidh = p6      ;high gain1
aenv3   oscil   0.19, 1.2, 4
aenv3 = aenv3 + kmidh
khigh = p7      ;high gain2
aenv4   oscil   0.18, 1.3, 4
aenv4 = aenv4 + khigh

ifn  =  p8      ;table

ilc1 table 0, ifn       ;low freqency range
ilc2 table 1, ifn       ;low-mid
ihc1 table 2, ifn       ;mid-high
ihc2 table 3, ifn       ;high

asig    diskin2  "fox.wav", 1
alow1   butterlp asig, ilc1             ;lowpass 1
almid   butterlp asig, ilc2             ;lowpass 2
amidh   butterhp asig, ihc1             ;highpass 1
ahigh   butterhp asig, ihc2             ;highpass 2
aout    maca     aenv1, alow1, aenv2, almid, aenv3, amidh, aenv4, ahigh
        outs     aout, aout

f1 0  4 -2 150 300 600  5000
f2 0  4 -2 75  500 1000 10000
f3 0  4 -2 200 700 1500 3000
f4 0  4096 10 1

;          low lowmid midhigh high table                
i 1 0  2.8  2    1      1      1     1  
i 1 3  2.8  2    3      1      1     2 
i 1 6  2.8  2    1      2      3     3 

See also

Opcode Equivalents of Functions


Author: John ffitch
University of Bath, Codemist, Ltd.
Bath, UK
May 1999

New in Csound version 3.54