Trigger Metronome
Generate a metronomic signal to be used in any circumstance an isochronous trigger is needed.
initphase - initial phase value (in the 0 to 1 range)
ktrig - output trigger signal
kfreq - frequency of trigger bangs in cps
metro is a simple opcode that outputs a sequence of isochronous bangs (that is 1 values) each 1/kfreq seconds. Trigger signals can be used in any circumstance, mainly to temporize realtime algorithmic compositional structures.
metro will produce a trigger signal of 1 when its phase is exactly 0 or 1. If you want to skip the initial trigger, use a very small value like 0.00000001.
Here is an example of the metro opcode. It uses the file metro.csd
Example of the metro opcode. | |
Here is another example of the metro opcode. It uses the file metro-2.csd
See also
Sensing and Control: Tempo and Sequencing
More information on this opcode in the Floss Manuals:
Written by Gabriel Maldonado.
First Example written by Andrés Cabrera.
New in Csound 5 (Previously available only on CsoundAV)