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An opcode which can be used to implement a remote midi orchestra. This opcode will send midi events from a source machine to one destination.

With the midremot and midglobal opcodes you are able to perform instruments on remote machines and control them from a master machine. The remote opcodes are implemented using the master/client model. All the machines involved contain the same orchestra but only the master machine contains the information of the midi score. During the performance the master machine sends the midi events to the clients. The midremot opcode will send events from a source machine to one destination if you want to send events to many destinations (broadcast) use the midglobal opcode instead. These two opcodes can be used in combination.


midremot idestination, isource, instrnum [, instrnum...]


idestination -- a string that is the intended host computer (e.g. This is the destination host which receives the events from the given instrument.

isource -- a string that is the intended host computer (e.g. This is the source host which generates the events of the given instrument and sends it to the address given by idestination.

instrnum -- a list of instrument numbers which will be played on the destination machine


Here is an example of the midremot opcode. It uses the files insremot.csd.

Example of the insremot opcode.

See also

Remote Opcodes


Author: Simon Schampijer

New in version 5.03