Phase-locked vocoder processing.
mincer implements phase-locked vocoder processing using function tables containing sampled-sound sources, with GEN01, and mincer will accept deferred allocation tables.
This opcode allows for time and frequency-independent scaling. Time is controlled by a time index (in seconds) to the function table position and can be moved forward and backward at any chosen speed, as well as stopped at a given position ("frozen"). The quality of the effect is generally improved with phase locking switched on.
mincer will also scale pitch, independently of frequency, using a transposition factor (k-rate).
ifftsize -- FFT size (power-of-two), defaults to 2048.
idecim -- decimation, defaults to 4 (meaning hopsize = fftsize/4)
atimpt -- time position of current audio sample in secs. Table reading wraps around the ends of the function table.
kamp -- amplitude scaling
kpitch -- grain pitch scaling (1=normal pitch, < 1 lower, > 1 higher; negative, backwards)
klock -- 0 or 1, to switch phase-locking on/off
ktab -- source signal function table. Deferred-allocation tables (see GEN01) are accepted, but the opcode expects a mono source. Tables can be switched at k-rate.
Here is an example of the mincer opcode. It uses the file mincer.csd
See Also
Short-time Fourier Transform (STFT) Resynthesis
Author: Victor Lazzarini
February 2010
New plugin in version 5.13
February 2005.