Receives an arate signal that has been mixed onto a channel of a buss.
ibuss -- The number of the buss, for example the number of the instrument receiving the signal.
ichannel -- The number of the channel. Each buss has nchnls channels.
asignal -- The signal that has been mixed onto the indicated channel of the buss.
Use of the mixer requires that instruments setting gains have smaller numbers than instruments sending signals, and that instruments sending signals have smaller numbers than instruments receiving those signals. However, an instrument may have any number of sends or receives. After the final signal is received, MixerClear must be invoked to reset the busses to 0 before the next kperiod.
instr 220 ; Master output
; It applies a bass enhancement, compression and fadeout
; to the whole piece, outputs signals, and clears the mixer.
a1 MixerReceive 220, 0
a2 MixerReceive 220, 1
; Bass enhancement
al1 butterlp a1, 100
al2 butterlp a2, 100
a1 = al1*1.5 + a1
a2 = al2*1.5 + a2
; Global amplitude shape
kenv linseg 0., p5 / 2.0, p4, p3 - p5, p4, p5 / 2.0, 0.
; Compression
a1 dam a1, 5000, 0.5, 1, 0.2, 0.1
a2 dam a2, 5000, 0.5, 1, 0.2, 0.1
; Remove DC bias
a1blocked dcblock a1
a2blocked dcblock a2
; Output signals
outs a1blocked, a2blocked
Here is a complete example of the MixerReceive opcode. It uses the file Mixer.csd
See also
Michael Gogins (gogins at pipeline dot com).