Moog ladder lowpass filter.
Moogladder2 is an new digital implementation of the Moog ladder filter based on the work of Antti Huovilainen, described in the paper "Non-Linear Digital Implementation of the Moog Ladder Filter" (Proceedings of DaFX04, Univ of Napoli). This implementation uses approximations to the tanh function and so is faster but less accurate than moogladder.
asig moogladder2 ain, kcf, kres[, istor]
asig moogladder2 ain, acf, kres[, istor]
asig moogladder2 ain, kcf, ares[, istor]
asig moogladder2 ain, acf, ares[, istor]
istor --initial disposition of internal data space. Since filtering incorporates a feedback loop of previous output, the initial status of the storage space used is significant. A zero value will clear the space; a non-zero value will allow previous information to remain. The default value is 0.
asig -- input signal.
kcf/acf -- filter cutoff frequency
kres/ares -- resonance, generally < 1, but not limited to it. Higher than 1 resonance values might cause aliasing, analogue synths generally allow resonances to be above 1.
Here is an example of the moogladder2 opcode. It uses the file moogladder2.csd.
See also
Standard Filters: Resonant Low-pass filters
Author: Victor Lazzarini
Author: John ffitch
April 2016
New in version 6.07