Phase-locked vocoder processing with onset detection/processing, 'tempo-scaling'.
mp3scal implements phase-locked vocoder processing from mp3-format disk files, resampling if necessary.
This opcode allows for time and frequency-independent scaling. Time is advanced internally. The quality of the effect is generally improved with phase locking switched on.
mp3scal will also scale pitch, independently of frequency, using a transposition factor (k-rate).
Sfile -- source soundfile stereo mp3 files.
ifftsize -- FFT size (power-of-two), defaults to 2048.
idecim -- decimation, defaults to 4 (meaning hopsize = fftsize/4)
iskip -- skiptime in seconds, defaults to 1.
ilock -- 0 or 1, to switch phase-locking on/off, defaults to 1.
ktimescal -- timescaling ratio, < 1 stretch, > 1 contract. Non-negative numbers only.
kamp -- amplitude scaling
kpitch -- grain pitch scaling (1=normal pitch, < 1 lower, > 1 higher)
ktime -- time stamp
asig, asig2 -- stereo output signals
Here is an example of the mp3scal opcode. It uses the file mp3scal.csd.
Example of the mp3scal opcode. | |
See Also
Short-time Fourier Transform (STFT) Resynthesis
Author: Victor Lazzarini
April 2016
New in version 6.07
April 2016.