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Reads data fields from an external P5 Glove.

Plugin opcode in p5g. This opcode is part of the plugin repository and has to be installed separately. The plugin repository can be found here:

Reads data fields from a P5 Glove controller.


kres p5gdata kcontrol


This opcode must be used in conjuction with a running p5gconnect opcode.


kcontrol -- the code for which control to read

On each access a particular data item of the P5 glove is read. The currently implemented controls are given below, together with the macro name defined in the file p5g_mac:

0 (P5G_BUTTONS): returns a bit pattern for all buttons that were pressed.

1 (P5G_BUTTON_A): returns 1 if the button has just been pressed, or 0 otherwise.

2 (P5G_BUTTON_B): as above.

4 (P5G_BUTTON_C): as above.

8 (P5G_JUSTPUSH): returns a bit pattern for all buttons that have just been pressed.

9 (P5G_JUSTPU_A): returns 1 if the A button has just been pressed.

10 (P5G_JUSTPU_B): as above.

12 (P5G_JUSTPU_C): as above.

16 (P5G_RELEASED): returns a bit pattern for all buttons that have just been released.

17 (P5G_RELSED_A): returns 1 if the A button has just been released.

18 (P5G_RELSED_B): as above.

20 (P5G_RELSED_C): as above.

32 (P5G_FINGER_INDEX): returns the clench value of the index finger.

33 (P5G_FINGER_MIDDLE): as above.

34 (P5G_FINGER_RING): as above.

35 (P5G_FINGER_PINKY): as above with little finger.

36 (P5G_FINGER_THUMB): as above.

37 (P5G_DELTA_X): The X position of the glove.

38 (P5G_DELTA_Y): The Y position of the glove.

39 (P5G_DELTA_Z): The Z position of the glove.

40 (P5G_DELTA_XR): The X axis change (angle).

41 (P5G_DELTA_YR): as above.

42 (P5G_DELTA_ZR): as above.

43 (P5G_ANGLES): The general angle


See the example for p5gconnect.

See Also

non-MIDI Devices


Author: John ffitch
Codemist Ltd

New in version 5.12