Write a text file containing partial tracks data
The part2txt opcode takes a PVS_TRACKS fsig input and writes the data as sequence of track lists, one for each time point, to a line-oriented text file. Each track is placed on a separate line containing the amplitude, frequency, phase, and track ID. A separator line containing four -1.0 values is used to define the end of the track list for a given time point.
SFile -- output filename
ftrks -- output pv stream in TRACKS format
Here is an example of the part2txt opcodes. It uses the file part2txt.csd.
The example above shows partial tracking of an ifd-analysis signal and cubic-phase additive resynthesis with pitch shifting.
See also
Tools for Real-time Spectral Processing (pvs opcodes)
Author: Victor Lazzarini
June 2015