Get mask index for a specific mask parameter of a running partikkel instance.
partikkelget is an opcode for outputting partikkel mask index for a specific parameter. Used together with partikkelset, it can be used to synchronize partikkel masking between several running instances of the _ partikkel_ opcode. It can also be used to control other processes based on the internal mask index, for example to create more complex masking patterns than is available with the regular grain masking system.
iopcode_id -- the opcode id, linking an instance of partikkel to an instance of partikkelsync.
kmaskindex -- mask index output. Outputs the current mask index for the parameter specified with kparameterindex in the partikkel instance identified with iopcode_id.
kparameterindex -- mask parameter. Selection of the masking parameter for which to output the current mask index. The different parameters are identified as:
- 0: gain mask
- 1: pitch sweep start mask
- 2: pitch sweep end mask
- 3: fm modulation index mask
- 4: channel mask
- 5: waveform mix mask
Here is an example of the partikkelget and partikkelset opcodes. It uses the file partikkelgetset.csd.
See Also
Author: Thom Johansen
Author: Øyvind Brandtsegg
May 2017
New in version 6.09