Resynthesize using a fast oscillator-bank.
inoscs -- The number of analysis bins to synthesise. Cannot be larger than the size of fsrc (see pvsinfo), e.g. as created by pvsanal. Processing time is directly proportional to inoscs.
ibinoffset (optional, default=0) -- The first (lowest) bin to resynthesise, counting from 0 (default = 0).
ibinincr (optional) -- Starting from bin ibinoffset, resynthesize bins ibinincr apart.
iinit (optional) -- Skip reinitialization. This is not currently implemented for any of these opcodes, and it remains to be seen if it is even practical.
kfmod -- Scale all frequencies by factor kfmod. 1.0 = no change, 2 = up one octave.
pvsadsyn is experimental, and implements the oscillator bank using a fast direct calculation method, rather than a lookup table. This takes advantage of the fact, empirically arrived at, that for the analysis rates generally used, (and presuming analysis using pvsanal, where frequencies in a bin change only slightly between frames) it is not necessary to interpolate frequencies between frames, only amplitudes. Accurate resynthesis is often contingent on the use of pvsanal with iwinsize = ifftsize*2.
This opcode is the most likely to change, or be much extended, according to feedback and advice from users. It is likely that a full interpolating table-based method will be added, via a further optional iarg. The parameter list to pvsadsyn mimics that for pvadd, but excludes spectral extraction.
Here is an example of the pvsadsyn opcode. It uses the file pvsadsyn.csd.
See also
Tools for Real-time Spectral Processing (pvs opcodes)
Author: Richard Dobson
August 2001
New in version 4.13