A band pass filter working in the spectral domain.
Filter the pvoc frames, passing bins whose frequency is within a band, and with linear interpolation for transitional bands.
fsig -- output pv stream
fsigin -- input pv stream.
xlowcut, xlowfull, xhighfull, xhighcut -- define a trapezium shape for the band that is passed. The a-rate versions only apply to the sliding case.
ktype -- specifies the shape of the transitional band. If at the default value of zero the shape is as below, with linear transition in amplitude. Other values yield and exponential shape:
This includes a linear dB shape when ktype is log(10) or about 2.30.
The opcode performs a band-pass filter with a spectral envelope shaped like
klowfull __________________________ khighfull
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
________/ \______________
klowcut khighcut
Here is an example of the pvsbandp opcode. It uses the file pvsbandp.csd.
See also
Tools for Real-time Spectral Processing (pvs opcodes)
Author: John ffitch
December 2007