Average the amp/freq time functions of each analysis channel for a specified time (truncated to number of frames).
As a side-effect the input pvoc stream will be delayed by that amount.
fsig -- output pv stream
fsigin -- input pv stream.
kblurtime -- time in secs during which windows will be averaged .
imaxdel -- maximum delay time, used for allocating memory used in the averaging operation.
This opcode will blur a pvstream by smoothing the amplitude and frequency time functions (a type of low-pass filtering); the amount of blur will depend on the length of the averaging period, larger blurtimes will result in a more pronounced effect.
It is unsafe to use the same f-variable for both input and output of pvs opcodes. Using the same one might lead to undefined behavior on some opcodes. Use a different one on the left and right sides of the opcode.
Here is an example of the use of the pvsblur opcode. It uses the file pvsblur.csd.
See also
Tools for Real-time Spectral Processing (pvs opcodes)
Author: Victor Lazzarini
November 2004
New plugin in version 5
November 2004.