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This opcode creates and writes to a circular buffer for f-signals (streaming PV signals).

This opcode sets up and writes to a circular buffer of length ilen (secs), giving a handle for the buffer and a time pointer, which holds the current write position (also in seconds). It can be used with one or more pvsbufread opcodes. Writing is circular, wrapping around at the end of the buffer.


ihandle, ktime  pvsbuffer fsig, ilen


ihandle -- handle identifying this particular buffer, which should be passed to a reader opcode.

ilen -- buffer length in seconds.


fsig -- an input pv stream

ktime -- the current time of writing in the buffer

pvsbuffer stores fsig in a buffer which can be read by pvsbufread using the handle ihandle. Different buffers will have different handles so they can be read independently by different pvsbufread opcodes. pvsbuffer gives in its output the current time (ktime) inside the ring buffer which has just been written.


Here is an example of the use of the pvsbuffer opcode. It uses the file pvsbuffer.csd.

Example of the _pvsbuffer_ opcode.
; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
; Audio out   Audio in
-odac    ;;;RT audio I/O
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o pvsbuffer.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1

;; example written by joachim heintz 2009
; additions by Menno Knevel 2021

opcode FileToPvsBuf, iik, Siiiii
;;writes an audio file at the first k-cycle to a fft-buffer (via pvsbuffer)
Sfile, ifftsize, ioverlap, iwinsize, iwinshape, ilength xin
ktimek          timeinstk
if ktimek == 1 then
ilen            filelen Sfile
kcycles =               ilen * kr; number of k-cycles to write the fft-buffer
kcount          init            0
ain             soundin Sfile
fftin           pvsanal ain, ifftsize, ioverlap, iwinsize, iwinshape
ibufln      =   (ilen * ilength) + (ifftsize / sr)    
ibuf, ktim      pvsbuffer       fftin, ibufln

                loop_lt kcount, 1, kcycles, loop
                xout            ibuf, ilen, ktim

instr 1
ifftsize        =       1024
ioverlap        =       ifftsize / 4
iwinsize        =       ifftsize
iwinshape       =       1; von-Hann window
ilength     =   p4
ibuffer, ilen, k0       FileToPvsBuf "fox.wav", ifftsize, ioverlap, iwinsize, iwinshape, ilength
ktmpnt          linseg  ilen, p3, 0; reads the buffer backwards in p3 seconds
fread           pvsbufread  ktmpnt, ibuffer
aout            pvsynth fread
outs    aout, aout

i 1 0 5 .05 ; buffer a small portion
i 1 6 5 .5  ; half of total length
i 1 12 5  1 ; buffer total length

See also

Tools for Real-time Spectral Processing (pvs opcodes)


Author: Victor Lazzarini
July 2007