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Performs cross-synthesis between two source fsigs.


fsig pvscross fsrc, fdest, kamp1, kamp2


The operation of this opcode is identical to that of pvcross (q.v.), except in using fsig_s rather than analysis files, and the absence of spectral envelope preservation. The amplitudes from _fsrc and fdest (using scale factors kamp1 for fsrc and kamp2 for fdest) are applied to the frequencies of fsrc. kamp1 and kamp2 must not exceed the range 0 to 1.

With this opcode, cross-synthesis can be performed on real-time audio input, by using pvsanal to generate fsrc and fdest. These must have the same format.

⚠ Warning

It is unsafe to use the same f-variable for both input and output of pvs opcodes. Using the same one might lead to undefined behavior on some opcodes. Use a different one on the left and right sides of the opcode.


Here is an example of the use of the pvscross opcode. It uses the file pvscross.csd.

Example of the _pvscross_ opcode.
; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
-odac    ;;;realtime audio out
;-iadc    ;;;uncomment -iadc if realtime audio input is needed too
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
;-o pvscross.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1

; by Menno Knevel 2021, after an example by joachim heintz 2009

instr 1
  ipermut  = p4                                                  ; 1 = change order of soundfiles
  ifftsize = 1024
  ioverlap = ifftsize / 4
  iwinsize = ifftsize
  iwinshape = 1                                                  ; von-Hann window
  Sfile1 = "oboe.aiff"
  Sfile2 = "finneganswake1.flac"
  ain1   = diskin2:a(Sfile1, .5, 0, 1)
  ain2   = diskin2:a(Sfile2, 1, 0, 1)                             ; the wave plays 4 x faster and higher
  fftin1 = pvsanal(ain1, ifftsize, ioverlap, iwinsize, iwinshape) ; fft-analysis of file 1
  fftin2 = pvsanal(ain2, ifftsize, ioverlap, iwinsize, iwinshape) ; fft-analysis of file 2
  ktrans = linseg(0, p3*.2, 0, p3*.6, p5, p3*.2, p5)              ; transitions
  if ipermut == 1 then
    fcross = pvscross(fftin2, fftin1, ktrans, 1 - ktrans)
    fcross = pvscross(fftin1, fftin2, ktrans, 1 - ktrans)
  aout = pvsynth(fcross)
  outs(aout, aout)

; use only first portion of sample (=p5)
i 1 0 12.7   0    0     ; frequencies from the oboe, no transition
i 1 14 12.7  1    0     ; frequencies from the voice, no transition
; transition over total sample (=p5)
i 1 28 12.7  0    1    ; frequencies from the oboe, amplitude transition from voice to oboe
i 1 42 12.7  1    1    ; frequencies from the voice, amplitude transition from oboe to voice

See also

Tools for Real-time Spectral Processing (pvs opcodes)


Author: Richard Dobson
August 2001

November 2003. Thanks to Kanata Motohashi, fixed the link to the pvcross opcode.

New in version 4.13