Resynthesise phase vocoder data (f-signal) using a FFT overlap-add.
ares -- output audio signal
fsrc -- input signal
iinit -- not yet implemented.
Example (using score-supplied f-table, assuming fsig _fftsize = 1024_)
; score f-table using cubic spline to define shaped peaks
f1 0 513 8 0 2 1 3 0 4 1 6 0 10 1 12 0 16 1 32 0 1 0 436 0
asig buzz 20000, 199, 50, 1 ; pulsewave source
fsig pvsanal asig, 1024, 256, 1024, 0 ; create fsig
kmod linseg 0, p3/2, 1, p3/2, 0 ; simple control sig
fsigout pvsmaska fsig, 2, kmod ; apply weird eq to fsig
aout pvsynth fsigout ; resynthesize,
dispfft aout, 0.1, 1024 ; and view the effect
Here is an example of the pvsynth opcode. It uses the file pvsynth.csd.
See also
Tools for Real-time Spectral Processing (pvs opcodes)
Author: Richard Dobson
August 2001
New in version 4.13
February 2004. Thanks to a note from Francisco Vila, updated the example.