Returns the number of times the argument is not a number, with the sign of the first infinity.
qinf(x) (no rate restriction)
Here is an example of the qinf opcode. It uses the file qinf.csd.
Example of the qinf opcode. |
| <CsoundSynthesizer>
-+rtaudio=alsa -o dac:hw:0
nchnls = 2
ksmps = 400
#define WII_B #3#
#define WII_A #4#
#define WII_R_A #304#
#define WII_PITCH #20#
#define WII_ROLL #21#
gkcnt init 1
instr 1
i1 wiiconnect 3,1
wiirange $WII_PITCH., -20, 0
kt wiidata $WII_B.
ka wiidata $WII_A.
kra wiidata $WII_R_A.
gka wiidata $WII_PITCH.
gkp wiidata $WII_ROLL.
; If the B (trigger) button is pressed then activate a note
if (kt==0) goto ee
if (qinf(gka)) goto ee
if (qinf(gkp)) goto ee
event "i", 2, 0, 5
gkcnt = gkcnt + 1
printk2 kb
instr 2
a1 oscil ampdbfs(gka), 440+gkp, 1
outs a1, a1
f1 0 4096 10 1
i1 0 300
See also
Mathematical Functions
Written by John ffitch.
New in Csound 5.14