Fast Fourier Transform of a real-value array.
Applies a forward Fast Fourier Transform to a real-value input 1-dimensional array. The output is another array containing the transform, non-redundant, non-negative spectrum only. If the input array is power-of-two, the output array size will match the input size, with the first two points containing 0Hz and Nyquist frequency coefficients. Otherwise, the output will have two extra values (input size + 2), and the the Nyquist coefficient will be placed at kin[input_size] position (kin[1] and kin[input_size+1] will be 0).
kout[] -- output array containing the transform. It will be created if it does not exist.
kin[] -- input array containing the real-valued input.
Here is an example of the rfft opcode. It uses the file rfft.csd.
Example of the rfft opcode. |
| <CsoundSynthesizer>
-d -o dac
;ksmps needs to be an integer div of hopsize
ksmps = 64
instr 1
ihopsize = 256 ; hopsize
ifftsize = 1024 ; FFT size
iolaps = ifftsize/ihopsize ; overlaps
ibw = sr/ifftsize ; bin bandwidth
kcnt init 0 ; counting vars
krow init 0
kOla[] init ifftsize ; overlap-add buffer
kIn[] init ifftsize ; input buffer
kSw[] init ifftsize
kOut[][] init iolaps, ifftsize ; output buffers
a1 diskin2 "fox.wav",1,0,1 ; audio input
ks expon 100, p3, 1000
asw vco2 0.15, ks
/* every hopsize samples */
if kcnt == ihopsize then
/* window and take FFT */
kWin[] window kIn,krow*ihopsize
kSpec[] rfft kWin
kWin window kSw,krow*ihopsize
kSpec2[] rfft kWin
kProd[] cmplxprod kSpec, kSpec2
/* IFFT + window */
kRow[] rifft kProd + kSpec
kWin window kRow, krow*ihopsize
/* place it on out buffer */
kOut setrow kWin, krow
/* zero the ola buffer */
kOla = 0
/* overlap-add */
ki = 0
until ki == iolaps do
kRow getrow kOut, ki
kOla = kOla + kRow
ki += 1
/* update counters */
krow = (krow+1)%iolaps
kcnt = 0
/* shift audio in/out of buffers */
kIn shiftin a1
kSw shiftin asw
a2 shiftout kOla
out a2/iolaps
/* increment counter */
kcnt += ksmps
i1 0 10
See Also
Vectorial opcodes
array opcodes
Array-based spectral opcodes
Author: Victor Lazzarini
NUI Maynooth
New in version 6.04