Generate audio output using scanned synthesis.
Plugin opcode in scansyn.
ifn -- ftable containing the scanning trajectory. This is a series of numbers that contains addresses of masses. The order of these addresses is used as the scan path. It should not contain values greater than the number of masses, or negative numbers. See the introduction to the scanned synthesis section.
id -- ID number of the scanu opcode's waveform to use
iorder (optional, default=0) -- order of interpolation used internally. It can take any value in the range 1 to 4, and defaults to 4 if outside that range, which is quartic interpolation. The setting of 3 is cubic, 2 is quadratic and 1 is linear. The higher numbers are slower, but not necessarily better.
kamp -- output amplitude. Note that the resulting amplitude is also dependent on instantaneous value in the wavetable. This number is effectively the scaling factor of the wavetable.
kfreq -- frequency of the scan rate
Here is an example of the scanned synthesis. It uses the file scans.csd.
Here is another example of the scanned synthesis. It uses the file scans-2.csd.
A plot of the table itraj1 ftgenonce 6, 0, 128, -7, 0, 128, 128
and itraj2 ftgenonce 66, 0, 128, -23, "straightline_max128_128.traj"

and this is what the table itraj3 ftgenonce 666, 0, 128, -23, "128-spiral-8,16,128,2,1over2.traj
looks like:

See also
More information on the Scanned Synthesis opcodes: Working with Scanned Synthesis, written by Steven Yi, and some tutorials by Richard Boulanger.
Author: Paris Smaragdis
MIT Media Lab
Boston, Massachussetts USA
New in Csound version 4.05