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Shifts the contents of an audio variable into a 1-dimensional array.

The array needs to be at least ksmps numbers long, but can be longer. Data is shifted in circularly, with the writing position moving by ksmps positions every k-cycle. When the array gets full, the writing position wraps around to the beginning of the array again (overwriting old positions). Together with the shiftout opcode, it can form a FIFO queue.


kout[] shiftin asig


kout[] -- output array, needs to be at least ksmps numbers long.

asig -- input audio


Here is an example of the shiftin opcode. It uses the file shiftin.csd.

Example of the shiftin opcode.
-d -odac

instr 1
ideltime = 0.5
kDel[] init sr*0.5
a1 diskin2 "fox.wav",1,0,1
a2 shiftout kDel
kDel shiftin a1
     out a1 + a2

i1 0 10

See Also

Vectorial opcodes, array opcodes


Author: Victor Lazzarini
NUI Maynooth

New in version 6.04