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Take a slice of a vector (one-dimensional k-rate array).


karray slicearray kinarray, istart, iend [,istride]


istart -- index of the first part of the answer.

iend -- index of the last element of the answer.

istride -- increment for source elements (optional), defaults to 1.


Here is an example of the slicearray opcode. It uses the file slicearray.csd.

Example of the slicearray opcode.
; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1

instr 1

;create and fill an array
kArr[]  genarray_i 1, 9

;print the content
        printf  "%s", 1, "kArr = whole array\n"
kndx    =       0
  until kndx == lenarray(kArr) do
        printf  "kArr[%d] = %f\n", kndx+1, kndx, kArr[kndx]
kndx    +=      1

;build new arrays for the slices
kArr1[] init    5
kArr2[] init    4
kArr3[] init    3

;put in first five and last four elements
kArr1   slicearray kArr, 0, 4
kArr2   slicearray kArr, 5, 8
; and three values from 1, 1+2 and 1+2+3
kArr3   slicearray kArr, 1, 5, 2

;print the content
        printf  "%s", 1, "\nkArr1 = slice from index 0 to index 4\n"
kndx    =       0
  until kndx == lenarray(kArr1) do
        printf  "kArr1[%d] = %f\n", kndx+1, kndx, kArr1[kndx]
kndx    +=      1
        printf  "%s", 1, "\nkArr2 = slice from index 5 to index 8\n"
kndx    =       0
  until kndx == lenarray(kArr2) do
        printf  "kArr2[%d] = %f\n", kndx+1, kndx, kArr2[kndx]
kndx    +=      1
        printf  "%s", 1, "\nkArr3 = slice from index 1 to index 5 inc2\n"
kndx    =       0
  until kndx == lenarray(kArr3) do
        printf  "kArr3[%d] = %f\n", kndx+1, kndx, kArr3[kndx]
kndx    +=      1


i 1 0 1

See Also

Array opcodes


Author: John ffitch
Codemist Ltd

New in version 6.00

istride argument new in 6.10