Scales an input spectral datablock with spectral envelopes.
ifscale -- scale function table. A function table containing values by which a value's magnitude is rescaled.
ifthresh -- threshold function table. If ifthresh is non-zero, each magnitude is reduced by its corresponding table-value (to not less than zero)
wsig -- the output spectrum
wsigin -- the input spectra
Scales an input spectral datablock with spectral envelopes. Function tables ifthresh and ifscale are initially sampled across the (logarithmic) frequency space of the input spectrum; then each time a new input spectrum is sensed the sampled values are used to scale each of its magnitude channels as follows: if ifthresh is non-zero, each magnitude is reduced by its corresponding table-value (to not less than zero); then each magnitude is rescaled by the corresponding ifscale value, and the resulting spectrum written to wsig.
wsig2 specdiff wsig1 ; sense onsets
wsig3 specfilt wsig2, 2 ; absorb slowly
specdisp wsig2, 0.1 ; & display both spectra
specdisp wsig3, 0.1