Copies spectral data from k-rate arrays (or t-variables.). Also known as pvsfromarray.
Copies a pvs frame from a t-variable or k-rate array. Currently only AMP+FREQ is produced. This opcode requires the t-type to be defined, which means it only works in the new bison/flex-based parser.
fsig tab2pvs tvar|karr[] [, ihopsize, iwinsize, iwintype]
fsig tab2pvs kmags[], kfreqs[] [, ihopsize, iwinsize, iwintype]
tvar -- k-rate array (or t-variable) containing the input. It is produced at every k-period, but may not contain a new frame, pvs frames are produced at their own frame rate that is independent of kr. The size of this vector will determine the fftsize, N = size - 2.
kmags[], kfreqs[] -- k-rate arrays containing the input magnitude and frequency values. The output is produced at every k-period, but may not contain a new frame, pvs frames are produced at their own frame rate that is independent of kr. These vectors must be the same size and they will determine the fftsize, N = size - 2.
fsig -- output fsig to be copied.
iolap -- size of the analysis overlap, defaults to isize/4.
iwinsize -- size of the analysis window, defaults to isize.
iwintype -- type of analysis window, defaults to 1, Hanning.
aout pvsynth fsig1
See also
Tools for Real-time Spectral Processing (pvs opcodes)
Author: Victor Lazzarini
October 2011
New plugin in version 5
October 2011.