Constructs a user-definable envelope in absolute time.
ares transegb ia, itim, itype, ib [, itim2] [, itype] [, ic] ...
kres transegb ia, itim, itype, ib [, itim2] [, itype] [, ic] ...
ia -- starting value.
ib, ic, etc. -- value after itim seconds.
itim -- time in seconds of end of first segment.
itim2,... itimx etc. -- time in seconds at the end of the segment.
itype, itype2, etc. -- if 0, a straight line is produced. If non-zero, then transegb creates the following curve, for n steps:
If itype > 0, there is a slowly rising (concave) or slowly decaying (convex) curve, while if itype < 0, the curve is fast rising (convex) or fast decaying (concave). See also GEN16.
Here is an example of the transegb opcode. It uses the file transegb.csd. The example produces the following output:

See also
Linear and Exponential Generators
Author: John ffitch
University of Bath, Codemist. Ltd.
Bath, UK
June 2011
New in Csound version 5.14