Streaming partial track filtering.
The trfilter opcode takes an input containg a TRACKS pv streaming signal (as generated, for instance by partials) and filters it using an amplitude response curve stored in a function table. The function table can have any size (no restriction to powers-of-two). The table lookup is done by linear-interpolation. It is possible to create time-varying filter curves by updating the amlitude response table with a table-writing opcode.
fsig -- output pv stream in TRACKS format
fin -- input pv stream in TRACKS format
kamnt -- amount of filtering (0-1)
ifn -- function table number. This will contain an amplitude response curve, from 0 Hz to the Nyquist (table indexes 0 to N). Any size is allowed. Larger tables will provide a smoother amplitude response curve. Table reading uses linear interpolation.
Here is an example of the trfilter opcode. It uses the file trfilter.csd.
The example above shows partial tracking of an ifd-analysis signal and linear additive resynthesis with low-pass filtering.
See also
Tools for Real-time Spectral Processing (pvs opcodes)
Author: Victor Lazzarini;
February 2006
New in Csound 5.01