Streaming partial track mixing.
The trmix opcode takes two inputs containg TRACKS pv streaming signals (as generated, for instance by partials) and mixes them into a single TRACKS stream. Tracks will be mixed up to the available space (defined by the original number of FFT bins in the analysed signals). If the sum of the input tracks exceeds this space, the higher-ordered tracks in the second input will be pruned.
fsig -- output pv stream in TRACKS format
fin1 -- first input pv stream in TRACKS format.
fin2 -- second input pv stream in TRACKS format
Here is an example of the trmix opcode. It uses the file trmix.csd.
The example above shows partial tracking of an ifd-analysis signal, frequency splitting and pitch shifting of the upper part of the spectrum, followed by the remix of the two parts of the spectrum and resynthesis.
See also
Tools for Real-time Spectral Processing (pvs opcodes)
Author: Victor Lazzarini
February 2006
New in Csound 5.01