Adds a scalar value to a vector in a table.
ifn - number of the table hosting the vectorial signal to be processed
ielements - number of elements of the vector
ival - scalar value to be added
idstoffset - index offset for the destination table
vadd_i adds the value of ival to each element of the vector contained in the table ifn, starting from table index idstoffset. This enables you to process a specific section of a table by specifying the offset and the number of elements to be processed. Offset is counted starting from 0, so if no offset is specified (or set to 0), the table will be modified from the beginning.
This opcode runs only on initialization, there is a k-rate version of this opcode called vadd.
Negative values for idstoffset are valid. Elements from the vector that are outside the table, will be discarded, and they will not wrap around the table.
In all these opcodes, the resulting vectors are stored in ifn, overriding the intial vectors. If you want to keep initial vector, use vcopy or vcopy_i to copy it in another table. All these operators are designed to be used together with other opcodes that operate with vectorial signals such as vcella, adsynt, adsynt2, etc. They can also be useful in conjunction with the spectral opcodes pvsftw and pvsftr.
Here is an example of the vadd_i opcode. It uses the file vadd_i.csd.
See also
Operations Vectorial/Scalar Signal
Written by Gabriel Maldonado. Optional arguments added by Andres Cabrera and Istvan Varga.
New in Csound 5 (Previously available only on CsoundAV)