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Read a vector (several scalars simultaneously) from a table at k-rate.


vtable1k  kfn, kout1 [, kout2, kout3, .... , koutN ]


kfn - table number

kout1...koutN - output vector elements

vtable1k is a reduced version of vtablek, it only allows to access the first vector (it is equivalent to vtablek with kndx = zero, but a bit faster). It is useful to easily and quickly convert a set of values stored in a table into a set of k-rate variables to be used in normal opocodes, instead of using individual table opcodes for each value.

📝 Note

vtable1k is an unusual opcode as it produces its output on the right side arguments of the opcode.


Here is an example of the vtable1k opcode. It uses the files vtable1k.csd.

Example of the vtable1k opcode.
; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
; Audio out   Audio in    No messages
-odac           -iadc     -d     ;;;RT audio I/O

sr      =       44100
ksmps   =       100
nchnls  =       2

giElem  init    13
giOutTab        ftgen   1,0,128, 2,     0
giFreqTab       ftgen   2,0,128,-7,     1,giElem, giElem+1
giSine  ftgen   3,0,256,10,     1

        FLpanel "This Panel contains a Slider Bank",500,400
        FLslidBnk       "mod1@mod2@mod3@amp@freq1@freq2@freq3@freqPo", giElem, giOutTab, 360, 600, 100, 10


        instr 1

kout1   init    0
kout2   init    0
kout3   init    0
kout4   init    0
kout5   init    0
kout6   init    0
kout7   init    0
kout8   init    0

vtable1k  giOutTab, kout1 , kout2, kout3, kout4, kout5 , kout6, kout7, kout8
kmodindex1=     2 * db(kout1 * 80 )
kmodindex2=     2 * db(kout2 * 80 )
kmodindex3=     2 * db(kout3 * 80 )
kamp    =       50 * db(kout4 * 70 )
kfreq1  =       1.1 * octave(kout5 * 10)
kfreq2  =       1.1 * octave(kout6 * 10) 
kfreq3  =       1.1 * octave(kout7 * 10)
kfreq4  =       30 * octave(kout8 * 8)

amod1   oscili  kmodindex1, kfreq1, giSine
amod2   oscili  kmodindex2, kfreq2, giSine
amod3   oscili  kmodindex3, kfreq3, giSine
aout    oscili  kamp,       kfreq4+amod1+amod2+amod3, giSine

        outs    aout, aout


i1 0 3600
f0 3600


See also

Tables of vectors operators


Written by Gabriel Maldonado.

New in Csound 5.06