FLhide — Hides the target FLTK widget.
Plugin opcode in widgets. This opcode is part of the plugin repository and has to be installed separately. These FLTK widgets do not work on the Mac. The plugin repository can be found here: https://github.com/csound/plugins
Hides the target FLTK widget, making it invisible.
ihandle -- a handle value (an integer number) that unequivocally references a corresponding widget. This is used by other opcodes that modify a widget's properties (see Modifying FLTK Widget Appearance).
FLcolor2, FLhide, FLlabel, FLsetAlign, FLsetBox, FLsetColor, FLsetColor2, FLsetFont, FLsetPosition, FLsetSize, FLsetText, FLsetTextColor, FLsetTextSize, FLsetTextType, FLsetVal_i, FLsetVal, FLshow