Composing with Blue
Steven Yi
Monday October 2 to Wednesday October 4.
Blue is a integrated music composition environment that provides users a number of tools for the development of musical works. Building upon their Csound knowledge, users can organize score materials on a timeline; generate musical scores using scripting; develop graphical instruments, effects, and SoundObjects; mix their works using common studio paradigms; and more. This workshop will explore the design of Blue and feature a number of practical exercises that will train the attendees in the best ways to use and leverage Blue’s features for their musical goals.
- Blue I: Instruments, Effects, Mixer – Learn the basic of Blue, how to develop graphical instruments and effects, use the mixer and automation system
- Blue II: Score Timeline – Learn how to use the score timeline and Blue’s various SoundObject types to create sounds and scores. Attendees will learn how to make their own graphical SoundObjects using Blue’s built-in scripting languages and learn how to work with these together with their instruments and effects from Blue I.
- Blue III: Composing – Explore various composition workflows to leverage the tools discussed in Blue I and II for composing. Attendees will be provided pre-made instruments, effects, and SoundObjects to explore the composing experience with Blue.
Steven Yi
Steven Yi is a composer and programer. He is the author of the Blue music composition environment, author of the Pink and Score music libraries, and core developer of Csound. He has contributed work on Csound’s parser and compiler, helped to develop Csound’s language design, developed opcodes for Csound, and worked on moving Csound to mobile platforms (Android, iOS) and the web. He also served as the co-editor of the Csound Journal from 2005–2015, and is co-author of the book Csound. A Sound and Music Computing System, published by Springer International.
Steven is a long-time supporter of free and open source software for music. He has presented at the International Computer Music Conference, Linux Audio Conference, and Csound Conferences. In 2016, Steven received his PhD from Maynooth University for his thesis work on “Extensible Computer Music Systems.”
More information about Steven is available at his website: