
ATSread — reads data from an ATS file.


ATSread returns the amplitude (kamp) and frequency (kfreq) information of a user specified partial contained in the ATS analysis file at the time indicated by the time pointer ktimepnt.


kfreq, kamp ATSread ktimepnt, iatsfile, ipartial


iatsfile – the ATS number (n in ats.n) or the name in quotes of the analysis file made using ATSA.

ipartial – the number of the analysis partial to return the frequency in Hz and amplitude.


kfreq, kamp - outputs of the ATSread unit. These values represent the frequency and amplitude of a specific partial selected by the user using ipartial. The partials' informations are derived from an ATS analysis. ATSread linearly interpolates the frequency and amplitude between frames in the ATS analysis file at k-rate. The output is dependent on the data in the analysis file and the pointer ktimepnt.

ktimepnt – The time pointer in seconds used to index the ATS file. Used for ATSread exactly the same as for pvoc and ATSadd.


Here is an example of the ATSread opcode. It uses the file ATSread.csd.

Example 78. Example of the ATSread opcode.

; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
-odac     ;;;RT audio out
;-iadc    ;;;uncomment -iadc if RT audio input is needed too
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o ATSread.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1

; by Menno Knevel - 2021

ires system_i 1,{{ atsa fox.wav fox.ats }} ; default settings

instr 1	

ktime	line    0, p3, 2
kfreq, kamp	ATSread  ktime, "beats.ats", 10 ; take the 10th partial
aenv    linen   1, 0, p3, .1    ; envelope to avoid clicks
aout	oscili  0.8, kfreq, 1
	outs	aout * aenv, aout * aenv

f 1 0 16384 10 1 ;sine wave.

i 1 0 1         ; fast speed
i 1 2 2         ; normal
i 1 5 10        ; 5x slower 

Here we are using ATSread to get the 10th partial's frequency and amplitude data out of the 'beats.ats' ATS analysis file. We are using that data to drive an oscillator, but we could use it for anything else that can take a k-rate input, like the bandwidth and resonance of a filter etc.

Here is a musical example of the ATSread opcode. It uses the file ATSread-musical.csd.

Example 79. Example 2 of the ATSread opcode.

-odac -d -m128
;example by joachim heintz
sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1

ires1 system_i 1,{{ atsa fox.wav fox.ats }} ; default settings

giSine    ftgen     0, 0, 1024, 10, 1
gSfile    =         "fox.ats"
giNumParts ATSinfo  gSfile, 3 ;overall number of partials
giDur     ATSinfo   gSfile, 7 ;duration 
          seed      0

  instr ReadOnePartial
iPartial  =         p4
p3        =         giDur
ktime     line      0, giDur, giDur
          prints    "Resynthesizing partial number %d.\n", iPartial
kFq,kAmp  ATSread   ktime, gSfile, iPartial
kAmp      port      kAmp, .1 ;smooth amplitudes - still not satisfactoring
aOut      poscil    kAmp, kFq, giSine
aOut      linen     aOut, 0, p3, .01 ;anti-click
          outs      aOut*10, aOut*10

;start next instr: normal speed, three loops, pause between loops one second
          event_i   "i", "MasterRand", giDur+3, 1, 1, 3, 2

  instr MasterRand
  ;random selections of 10 partials per second, overlapping
iSpeed    =         p4 ;speed of reading / playing
iNumLoops =         p5 ;number of loops
iPause    =         p6 ;length of pause between loops
          prints    "Resynthesizing random partials.\n"
p3        =         (giDur/iSpeed+iPause) * iNumLoops
;start next instr: half speed, three loops, three seonds pause between loops
          event_i   "i", "MasterArp", p3+3, 1, .5, 3, 3
;loop over duration plus pause
          timout    0, giDur/iSpeed+iPause, play
          reinit    loop
gkTime    line      0, giDur/iSpeed, giDur ;start time from 0 in each loop
kTrig     metro     10 ;10 new partials per second
 ;call subinstrument if trigger and no pause
 if kTrig == 1 && gkTime < giDur then
kPart     random    1, giNumParts+.999
          event     "i", "PlayRand", 0, 1, int(kPart)

  instr MasterArp
  ;argeggio-like reading and playing of partials 
iSpeed    =         p4 ;speed of reading / playing
iNumLoops =         p5 ;number of loops
iPause    =         p6 ;length of pause between loops
          prints    "Arpeggiating partials.\n"
p3        =         (giDur/iSpeed+iPause) * iNumLoops
          timout    0, giDur/iSpeed+iPause, play
          reinit    loop
gkTime    line      0, giDur/iSpeed, giDur
kArp      linseg    1, (giDur/iSpeed)/2, giNumParts, (giDur/iSpeed)/2, 1 ;arp up and down
kTrig     metro     10 ;10 new partials per second
 if kTrig == 1 && gkTime < giDur then
          event     "i", "PlayArp", 0, 5, int(kArp)

;exit csound when finished
          event_i   "i", "End", p3+5, 1

  instr PlayRand
iPartial  =         p4
kFq,kAmp  ATSread   gkTime, gSfile, iPartial
kamp      port      kAmp, .15 ;smooth amplitudes
aOut      poscil    kAmp, kFq, giSine
aOut      linen     aOut, .01, p3, .01
          outs      aOut, aOut

  instr PlayArp
kCount    init      1 ;k-cycle
iPartial  =         p4
kFq,kAmp  ATSread   gkTime, gSfile, iPartial
 if kCount == 1 then ;get freq from first k-cycle
kModFq    =         kFq
  ;avoid to go with 0 Hz as this blocks the mode filter
  if kModFq == 0 then
iVol      random    -42, -12 ;db
iOffset   random    .01, .1 ;no too regularily ...
aImp      mpulse    ampdb(iVol), p3, iOffset
iQ        random    500, 5000
aOut      mode      aImp, kModFq, iQ
aOut      linen     aOut, 0, p3, p3/3
          outs      aOut, aOut
kCount    =         2

  instr End
i "ReadOnePartial" 0 1 10
e 999

See also

ATS Spectral Processing


Author: Alex Norman