
FLmouse — Returns the mouse position and the state of the three mouse buttons.


Plugin opcode in widgets. This opcode is part of the plugin repository and has to be installed separately. These FLTK widgets do not work on the Mac. The plugin repository can be found here: https://github.com/csound/plugins

FLmouse returns the coordinates of the mouse position within an FLTK panel and the state of the three mouse buttons.


kx, ky, kb1, kb2, kb3 FLmouse [imode]


imode – (optional, default = 0) Determines the mode for mouse location reporting.

  • 0 - Absolute position normalized to range 0-1

  • 1 - Absolute raw pixel position

  • 2 - Raw pixel position, relative to FLTK panel


kx, ky – the mouse coordinates, whose range depends on the imode argument (see above).

kb1, kb2, kb3 – the states of the mouse buttons, 1 when corresponding button is pressed, 0 when the button is not pressed.

FLmouse returns the coordinates of the mouse position and the state of the three mouse buttons. The coordinates can be retrieved in three modes depending on the imode argument value (see above). Modes 0 and 1 report mouse position in relation to the complete screen (Absolute mode), while mode 2, reports the pixel position within an FLTK panel. Notice that FLmouse is only active when the mouse cursor passes on an FLpanel area.


Here is an example of the FLmouse opcode. It uses the file FLmouse.csd.

Example 321. Example of the FLmouse opcode.

See the sections Real-time Audio and Command Line Flags for more information on using command line flags.

; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
; Audio out   Audio in    No messages
-odac           -iadc     -d     ;;;RT audio I/O


;Example by Andres Cabrera 2007
giwidth = 400
giheight = 300
FLpanel "FLmouse", giwidth, giheight, 10, 10


0dbfs = 1

instr 1
  kx, ky, kb1, kb2, kb3    FLmouse 2
  ktrig changed kx, ky  ;Print only if coordinates have changed
  printf "kx = %f   ky = %f \n", ktrig, kx, ky
kfreq = ((giwidth - ky)*1000/giwidth) + 300

; y coordinate determines frequency, x coordinate determines amplitude
; Left mouse button (kb1) doubles the frequency
; Right mouse button (kb3) activates sound on channel 2
  aout oscil kx /giwidth , kfreq * (kb1 + 1), 1
  outs aout, aout * kb3

f 1 0 1024 10 1

i 1 0 120



Author: Gabriel Maldonado

New in version 5.06