
"farey" — Fills a table with the Farey Sequence Fn of the integer n.


Plugin gen in fareygen.

A Farey Sequence Fn of order n is a list of fractions in their lowest terms between 0 and 1 and in ascending order. Their denominators do not exceed n. This means a fraction a/b belongs to Fn if 0 ≤ a ≤ b ≤ n. The numerator and denominator of each fraction are always coprime. 0 and 1 are included in Fn as the fractions 0/1 and 1/1. For example F5 = {0/1, 1/5, 1/4, 1/3, 2/5, 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 1/1} Some properties of the Farey Sequence:

  • If a/b and c/d are two successive terms of Fn, then bc - ad = 1.
  • If a/b, c/d, e/f are three successive terms of Fn, then: c/d = (a+e) / (b+f). In this case c/d is called the mediant fraction between a/b and e/f.
  • If n > 1, then no two successive terms ofFn have the same denominator.

The length of any Farey Sequence Fn is determined by |Fn| = 1 + SUM over n (phi(m)) where phi(m) is Euler's totient function, which gives the number of integers ≤ m that are coprime to m.

Some values for the length of Fn given n:

n Fn
1 2
2 3
3 5
4 7
5 11
6 13
7 19
8 23
9 29
10 33
11 43
12 47
13 59
14 65
15 73
16 81
17 97
18 103
19 121
20 129


f # time size "farey" fareynum mode


size -- number of points in the table. Must be a power of 2 or power-of-2 plus 1 (see f statement).

fareynum -- the integer n for generating Farey Sequence Fn

mode -- integer to trigger a specific output to be written into the table:

  • 0 -- outputs floating point numbers representing the elements of Fn.

  • 1 -- outputs delta values of successive elements of Fn, useful for generating note durations for example.

  • 2 -- outputs only the denominators of the integer ratios, useful for indexing other tables or instruments for example.

  • 3 -- same as mode 2 but with normalised output.

  • 4 -- same as mode 0 but with 1 added to each number, useful for generating tables for tuning opcodes, for example cps2pch.


f1 0	-23 "farey" 8 0
Generates generates Farey Sequence F8. The table contains all 23 elements of F8 as floating point numbers.
f1 0 -18 "farey" 7 1
This generates Farey Sequence F7. The table contains 18 delta values of F7, i.e. the difference between ri+1 - ri, where r is the ith element of Fn.
f1 0	-43 "farey" 11 2
This generates Farey Sequence F11. The table contains the denominators of all 43 fractions in F11.
f1 0	-43 "farey" 11 3
This generates Farey Sequence F11. The table contains the denominators of all 43 fractions in F11, each of those divided by 11, i.e. normalised.
f1 0	-18 "farey" 7 4
This generates Farey Sequence F7. The table contains all fractions of F7, same as mode 0, but this time '1' is added to each table element.

Example 1336. A simple example of the GENfarey routine.

See the sections Real-time Audio and Command Line Flags for more information on using command line flags.



instr 4
      kndx init 0 ; read out elements of F_8 one by one and print to file
      if (kndx < 23) then    
      	 kelem tab kndx, 1
      	 fprintks "farey8table.txt", "%2.6f\\n", kelem
      	 kndx = kndx+1
; initialise integer for Farey Sequence F_8
f1 0 -23 "farey" 8 0
      ; if mode=0 then the table stores all elements of the Farey Sequence
      ; as fractions in the range [0,1]
i4	0     1

Here is a complete example of the GENfarey routine. It uses the files genfarey-2.csd.

Example 1337. Another example of the GENfarey routine.

See the sections Real-time Audio and Command Line Flags for more information on using command line flags.

; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
-odac     ;;;realtime audio out
;-iadc    ;;;uncomment -iadc for RT audio input as well 
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o genfarey.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform
sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1

; GENfarey creates table gidelta. 
; The table contains the delta values of Farey Sequence 7 (p5=7).
; They are used as Inter Onset Intervals (IOIs) or event durations.
; If p6 is set to 1 for IOI output then the length of the table (p3=-18) is -(|F_7| - 1)
; Remember that a negative sign is for non-power-of-2 table lengths.
; The negative sign in front of the GEN number prevents post-normalisation of its values.

gidelta ftgen 0,0,-18,"farey",7,1

; Use GENfarey with p6 set to 2 to generate the denominators of fractions of F_7 
; this is used in this example as factors to create a series of pitches:
gimult ftgen 0,0,-18,"farey",7,2

;-------- loop and trigger instrument 901 using a Farey Sequence polyrhythm
	  instr 1
kindx init 0
kindx2 init 0
ktrigger init 0
ktime_unit init p6
kstart init p4
kloop init p5
kinitndx init 0
kfn_times init gidelta
knote init 60
kbasenote init p8
ifundam init p7
ktrigger seqtime ktime_unit, kstart, kloop, kinitndx, kfn_times
  if (ktrigger > 0 ) then
     kpitch = cpspch(ifundam)
     kmult tab kindx2, gimult
     kpitch = kpitch * kmult
     knote = kbasenote + kmult
     event "i", 901,   0,   .4, .10, kpitch, kpitch * .9, 0.4,  5,   .75, .8,  1.0, .15, .0,  .125, .125, .25, .5,  1.0, .0, .0,  .0,  .0,  .125, .25, .25, .25, knote
     kindx = kindx + 1
     kindx = kindx % kloop
     kindx2 = kindx2 + 1
     kindx2 = kindx2 % kloop

;------ basic 2 Operators FM algorithm ----------------
	instr 901
inotedur	=		p3
imaxamp		=		p4 ;ampdb(p4)
icarrfreq	=		p5
imodfreq	=		p6
ilowndx		=		p7
indxdiff	=		p8-p7
knote	        =		p27
aampenv		linseg	p9, p14*p3, p10, p15*p3, p11, p16*p3, p12, p17*p3, p13 
adevenv		linseg	p18, p23*p3, p19, p24*p3, p20, p25*p3, p21, p26*p3, p22
amodosc		oscili	(ilowndx+indxdiff*adevenv)*imodfreq, imodfreq, 10 
acarosc		oscili	imaxamp*aampenv, icarrfreq+amodosc, 10 
		outs		acarosc, acarosc  
f10 0 4096 10 1	;sine wave			
; p4 kstart  := index offset into the Farey Sequence
; p5 kloop   := end index into Farey Seq.
; p6 timefac := time in seconds for one loop to complete
; p7 fundam  := fundamental of the FM instrument
; p8 basenote:= root pitch of the midi voice output
; note that pitch structures of the midi file output are not equivalent to the
; ones used for the FM real-time synthesis.

;	start		dur		kstart	kloop   timefac	fundam. basenote
i1	0.0		44		0 	18	2	6.05	60
i1	4		30		0 	18	3	7.05	72
i1	34		12		9 	18	3	7.05	72
i1	10		12		0 	18	1.5	8	84
i1	22		12		0 	9	1.5	8	84
i1	15		16		0	18	1	5	48
i1	22		20		5	17	1.7	4	36

i1	46		20		3 	11	2.5	7.04	71
i1	51		20		5 	13	2.5	7.06	72

i1	73.5		1.5		11	18	1.5	5.05	48
i1	75		1		12	18	1	6.03	58	

These are the diagrams of the waveforms of the GENfarey routines, as used in the example:

gidelta ftgen 100,0,-18,"farey",7,1 - delta values of Farey Sequence 7

gidelta ftgen 100,0,-18,"farey",7,1 - delta values of Farey Sequence 7

gimult ftgen 101,0,-18,"farey",7,2 - generate the denominators of fractions of F_7

gimult ftgen 101,0,-18,"farey",7,2 - generate the denominators of fractions of F_7

See Also

Models and Emulations


Author: Georg Boenn
University of Glamorgan

New in Csound version 5.13