
STKBlowHole — STK clarinet physical model with one register hole and one tonehole.


Plugin opcode in stkopd. This opcode is part of the plugin repository and has to be installed separately. The plugin repository can be found here:

This opcode is based on the clarinet model, with the addition of a two-port register hole and a three-port dynamic tonehole implementation.

In this implementation, the distances between the reed/register hole and tonehole/bell are fixed. As a result, both the tonehole and register hole will have variable influence on the playing frequency, which is dependent on the length of the air column. In addition, the highest playing freqeuency is limited by these fixed lengths.


asignal STKBlowHole ifrequency, iamplitude, [kreed, kv1[, knoise, kv2[, khole, kv3[, kreg, kv4[, kbreath, kv5]]]]]


ifrequency -- Frequency of note played, in Hertz.

iamplitude -- Amplitude of note played (range 0-1).


kreed -- controller 2, stiffness of reed. Value range of kv1 is 0-127.

knoise -- controller 4, gain of noise. Value range of kv2 is 0-127.

khole -- controller 11, state of tonehole. Value range of kv3 is 0-127.

kreg -- controller 1, state of register. Value range of kv4 is 0-127.

kbreath -- controller 128, breath pressure. Value range of kv5 is 0-127.

[Note] Notes

The code for this opcode is taken directly from the BlowHole class in the Synthesis Toolkit in C++ by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone. More on the STK classes can be found here:

kc1, kv1, kc2, kv2, kc3, kv3, kc4, kv4, kc5, kv5, kc6, kv6, kc7, kv7, kc8, kv8 -- Up to 8 optional k-rate controller pairs for the STK opcodes. Each controller pair consists of a controller number (kc) followed by a controller value (kv). Both the controller numbers and the controller values are krate variables. However, during a performance, normally the controller numbers stay fixed while the corresponding controller values may change at any time. The order of the controller pair is arbitrary, as long as they are after iamplitude. Also, it is not needed that all controller pairs are used.


Here is an example of the STKBlowHole opcode. It uses the file STKBlowHole.csd.

Example 1026. Example of the STKBlowHole opcode.

; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
-odac     ;;;realtime audio out
;-iadc    ;;;uncomment -iadc if RT audio input is needed too
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o STKBlowHole.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1

instr 1	

ipch	=	p4
kv1	=	p7						;stiffness of reed
kv3	line	p5, p3, p6					;state of tonehole

asig	STKBlowHole	cpspch(ipch), 1, 2, kv1, 4, 100, 11, kv3, 1, 10, 128, 100
	outs	asig, asig


i 1 0 4 10.00 20 127 100
i 1 + 7 6.09 120  0  10

See also

STK Opcodes


Author: Michael Gogins (after Perry Cook)
Irreducible Productions
New York, NY

New in Csound version 5.11