
inrg — Allow input from a range of adjacent audio channels from the audio input device


inrg reads audio from a range of adjacent audio channels from the audio input device.


inrg kstart, ain1 [,ain2, ain3, ..., ainN]


kstart - the number of the first channel of the input device to be accessed (channel numbers starts with 1, which is the first channel)

ain1, ain2, ... ainN - the output arguments filled with the incoming audio coming from corresponding channels.

inrg allows input from a range of adjacent channels from the input device. kstart indicates the first channel to be accessed (channel 1 is the first channel). The user must be sure that the number obtained by summing kstart plus the number of accessed channels -1 is <= nchnls_i.

[Note] Note

Note that this opcode is exceptional in that it produces its output on the parameters to the right.

See also

Signal Input


Author: Gabriel Maldonado

New in version 5.06