
lincos — Linear to cosine interpolation


Plugin opcode in emugens.

Maps a linear range of values to a cosine (easy-in/easy-out) range of values. At present it supports only scalars, at i- and k-time (no arrays)


ky lincos kx, ky0, ky1 [, kx0, kx1 ]
iy lincos ix, iy0, iy1 [, ix0, ix1 ]


kx -- Input signal

ky0 -- Lower limit of output range

ky1 -- Higher limit of output range

kx0 -- Lower limit of input range (default = 0)

kx1 -- Higher limit of input range (default = 1)

dx = ((x-x0) / (x1-x0)) * PI + PI
y  = y0 + ((y1 - y0) * (1 + cos(dx)) / 2.0);


Here is an example of the lincos opcode. It uses the file lincos.csd.

Example 511. Example of the lincos opcode.


sr = 44100
ksmps = 128
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1.0

; Example file for lincos.csd


  similar to cosseg, but with an explicit input for time
  lincos can be used ease-in / out any linear ramp

  ky  lincos kx, ky0, ky1, kx0=0, kx1=1
  iy  lincos ix, iy0, iy1, ix0=0, ix1=1


seed 0

instr 1
  ; Map a value within the range 1-3 to the range 0-10.
  iy lincos 1.5, 0, 10, 1, 3
  print iy
  kx line 1, p3, 3
  ky lincos kx, 0, 10, 1, 3
  printks "kx: %f   ky: %f \n", 1/kr, kx, ky

instr 2
  ; lincos can be used to create amplitude or pitch envelopes
  ktrig init 0
  krnd dust 1, 1
  ktrig = lineto(tirghold(krnd & ~ktrig, 0.5), 1)
  kpitch = lincos:k(ktrig, 60, 61)
  a0 oscili 0.7, mtof(kpitch)

  kfade  lincos linsegr(0, 1.5, 1, 1.5, 0), 0, 1
  kcresc lincos ktrig, 0.25, 1
  outch 1, a0 * interp(kfade * kcresc)


i 1 0 0.2
i 2 0 20


See also

Linear and Exponential Generators


By: Eduardo Moguillansky 2018

New plugin in version 6.12