link_is_enabled — Returns whether or not this peer is synchronized with the global network Ableton Link session.
Plugin opcode in ableton_link_opcodes. This opcode is part of the plugin repository and has to be installed separately. The plugin repository can be found here:
Returns whether or not the beat and time of his peer are synchronized with the global network Ableton Link session.
Here is an example of the link_is_enabled opcode. It uses the file ableton_link.csd.
Example 514. Example of the link_is_enabled opcode.
<CsoundSynthesizer> <CsLicense> Run the Ableton Link "LinkHut" example application, or some other Ableton Link peer, while you run this CSD to see what happens. </CsLicense> <CsOptions> -m0 -d -odac </CsOptions> <CsInstruments> sr = 44100 ksmps = 10 nchnls = 2 alwayson "LinkMonitor" gi_peer link_create 72 gk_beat init 0 instr Beep asignal oscils 20000, p4, 0 outs asignal, asignal endin instr TempoChange link_tempo_set gi_peer, 80 endin instr LinkEnable i_enabled = p4 link_enable gi_peer, i_enabled endin instr LinkMonitor i_kperiod_seconds = ksmps / sr printf_i "kperiod: %9.6f seconds.\n", 1, i_kperiod_seconds printf_i "gi_peer: %g\n", 1, gi_peer link_enable gi_peer, 1 k_trigger, gk_beat, k_phase, k_time link_metro gi_peer, 1 k_peers link_peers gi_peer k_tempo link_tempo_get gi_peer k_enabled link_is_enabled gi_peer k_hz = 1000 if floor(gk_beat % 4) == 0 then k_hz = 3000 else k_hz = 2000 endif schedkwhen k_trigger, 0, 1, "Beep", 0, 0.01, k_hz printf "LinkMonitor: gi_peer: %g k_enabled: %9.4f k_trigger: %9.4f beat: %9.4f k_phase: %9.4f time: %9.4f tempo: %9.4f peers: %3d\n", k_trigger, gi_peer, k_enabled, k_trigger, gk_beat, k_phase, k_time, k_tempo, k_peers endin </CsInstruments> <CsScore> f 0 360 i "TempoChange" 10 80 i "LinkEnable" 20 1 0 i "LinkEnable" 30 1 1 </CsScore> </CsoundSynthesizer>